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ENData Scope API
Bayden Douglas-Blackmore avatar
Written by Bayden Douglas-Blackmore
Updated over 8 months ago

Quotes/variations will be now submitted to ENData via an API - this was previously done by csv submission. Clients now have full control of mapping units, locations and cost items from Crunchwork to ENData.

So, once a user attempts to change the quote/variation status to “Published”, the system will look to send across the quote/variation to ENData through the API

This mapping is now fully configurable within the 'Configuration' App. Users will notice a new side panel with the heading 'ENData', and a 'Mapping' heading underneath.

This feature will not be available for all users automatically, so please reach out to Customer Success if you would like to grant access to certain users.

The ENData mapping is broken down into three sections, which can be accessed from the dropdown in the top left: Unit, Location and Cost Item.

Each section will display a column for Crunchwork, as well as an additional column for each insurer the client services in ENData

When a new insurer is taken on board, a column will automatically be added for their mapping

Users will be able to toggle to hide completed rows. Please note, a row is considered “completed” if all insurer columns have mapping selected.

Users can also filter by keyword search in the Crunchwork column.

Each dropdown is also searchable.

Please note it is very important to 'Save' your changes before navigating away from the app.

Unit Mapping

To access this, please select 'Unit' within the 'Mapping' dropdown. This section of mapping is used to map unit types from Crunchwork to those available in ENData. The Crunchwork units are pulled from the unit types available in Catalog.

Location Mapping

This section of mapping is used to map Crunchwork group names to ENData locations. The Crunchwork locations are pulled from the group labels set in Crunchwork.

This can be accessed from the Configuration portal, under ‘PO/QUOTES GROUP LABELS’

Cost Items Mapping

This section of mapping is used to map Crunchwork line items to ENData 'cost items'. The Crunchwork items pull from Catalog.

There is a drop down option for ‘Ignore’ - this can be utilised when users DO NOT want the line item to go across to ENData, but still require it to be utilised on the quote in Crunchwork

For example, a builder note for internal use only

NOTE: If a line item is NOT mapped (left blank), should a user selects this item on a quote, upon attempting to publish, an error will occur.

Common Warnings/Errors

When a Quote/Variation is moved to a status of 'Published', Crunchwork will send the Quote/Variation to ENData. Should there be an issue, the user will see a red toast error outlining the cause.

Unsuccessful Publish - Common Errors

As shown above, the error will outline the relevant group and item number, as well as the reason for the error.

Reasons for this include:

  • Unit selected is not available in ENData

  • User has selected an item that is not mapped to ENData

    • This includes if a user creates an ad-hoc item

    • So, items must be created in the Catalog prior to filling out the Quote

  • User has selected a group label that is not mapped to ENData

How will I know if the Quote been successfully published?

A successful publish means that the Quote/Variation has been sent to ENData.So, users will be able to see the quote within the 'Scope' tab in ENData

A reminder that line items might not appear identical in ENData, as the API will use the mapping selected. Please see an example of this below:

Quote in Crunchwork:

Compare to Quote in the Scope Tab of ENData:

Any questions, please reach out to our Customer Success Team

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