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How do I reconcile trade purchase orders?
How do I reconcile trade purchase orders?
Dominique Tuck avatar
Written by Dominique Tuck
Updated over a week ago

After receiving a trade invoice, you will need to reconcile the sum of the invoice against the line items on the purchase order number given.

You can utilize the "Progress Invoices" component to easily track your authorised budget against incoming invoices; just follow the steps below.

Reconcile Your Purchase Orders

Just above your line items, you might have noticed the "Show Reconciliation" toggle, next to "Compact View". Turn on the reconciliation and enter a value into each line item to reconcile the cost.

Take note of the total budget and total reconciled figures, you can track budget remaining this way.

Add Attachments and Notes

We recommend attaching your trade invoices to the 'Attachments' of the job in Pulse, so that it's easier for the wider team to track down this document.

Documents uploaded to jobs will be made available in the 'Attachments and Notes' section of the purchase order.

Note, you can only upload images against purchase orders in this section.

Add your invoices to the Progress Invoices component

When there are multiple invoices for one PO number, you can use the Progress Invoices feature. Just click 'Add New Invoice' for each trade invoice you receive.

There are multiple statuses available for you to help communicate across the team whether the trade invoice has been paid, disputed, or approved.

When the user clicks โ€˜Saveโ€™, then the following statuses are made available:

  1. Pending approval

  2. Draft

  3. Approved - Review Required

  4. Dispute

  5. Declined - Review Required

  6. Declined

  7. Cancelled

Users will not be able to approve a trade invoice that exceeds the total authorised budget for the purchase order.

Attempts to approve an overbudget invoice will receive an error.

All actions relating to your progress invoices will be recorded against it's related job in Pulse.

Watch a quick demo below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

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