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How do I create a quote?
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Written by Team Codafication
Updated over a week ago

Quotes is a powerful tool that allows organisations to control and distribute how their users, or tenants in the system, interact with pricing. To maximise the benefits of Quotes, use it in conjunction with Catalog, Zones and Accounts. If you'd like to learn more on these modules, you can find their help guides in our help centre by clicking here.

Create a New Quote

  1. In your Pulse job, open the "Create" button

  2. Click "Quote"

  3. This will open a new draft Quote

The quote will have four main headers within the 'Detail' panel:

Main Details:

This is the default view, and the main one that you will be working off when creating a new quote. The customer information and address, type of quote, reference number, expiry and date are all managed here.

  • Addresses: Click on the bar titled "Addresses" to expand the field. There are two sets of information that you need to fill; "To" and "For". These sections allow you to specify up to two parties involved with receiving the quote.

    • To: The Insurer

    • For: The Insured

'Addresses' bar expanded

If you are quoting for only one party, you can use the toggle "Duplicate For Data" to fill the for data automatically.

Attachments and Notes:

The attachments and notes header will allow you to add summaries and free text to your quotes. The notes section will generate with the PDF, so keep in mind that these notes are not intended for internal use. Additionally, you can attach images to your quotes. When generating the PDF, they will be embedded.


This section will only contain information once line items are added to the quote. It can be used to analyse costs on a quote, by Group or by Trade Type, and can also compare costs between revisions.


This section allows you to configure what details of the quote you'd like to generate onto the PDF. Just use the checkboxes to select the parts of the quote you'd like to see.

Note: Configuration changes can only be completed whilst the quote is in 'Draft'.

Add Line Items to a Quote

Once you have a quote in 'Draft', you can now add line items to the quote. You can do this by using the "Add Group" button - this will allow you to add an existing bundle or combo that is stored in your Catalog, or create a manual one.

Users also have the option to select from predefined group labels, making it easier to control what appears on your financial documents. These new group labels can be found within the 'Configuration' app, under the 'PO/Quotes Group Label' subheading. These will be available for selection in the 'label' dropdown when users click 'Add Group'.

You have the choice of creating as many groups as you'd like, and labelling these with as much detail as you'd like.

Users can also select the label 'Other' if you would like the option to name the group on the go, without having to go into the configuration portal. When selected it opens up a ‘Other Label’ free text field which allows you to rename the group as you please.

Once you have a Group, you can add additional line items - either from the Catalog, or new line items.

To add line items already stored in the Catalog, click 'Add Items'.

To add a blank line item to add your own details, click 'Add Line Item'.

Users can also duplicate line items using the double page icon next to the 'bin' icon. This will populate your Quote with the associated line items, and allow you to remove or change items as necessary.

Users will also notice a 'Show Group Totals' toggle, which allows you to hide the totals boxes per each group, so that more line items are visible on the screen.

Remember to save your quote as you make changes, either manually or using the 'Auto Save' function.

When you are happy to publish a quote, click on the yellow 'Draft' status, and select the purple 'Published' status.

How can I quickly navigate to the top of a large quote?

Users can now quickly navigate back to the top of a quote and invoice instead of excessively scrolling, using the arrow shown below at the bottom of a quote.

Mandatory Fields

If your quote isn't saving, look over each field in the quote line items. The quote will not be saved until all mandatory fields have been filled.

What are the statuses beside each line item?

The Quotes app now includes the ability to apply a status to a line item status in quotes. You can read more about this feature here.

Can I use the Quotes tool on my mobile?
You certainly can! Quotes is a great tool for onsite employees. You can check out our guide on setting up Unity on your mobile for easy access here.

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